Protest over hosting Kathleen Stock without a trans speaker
Peter Tatchell Foundation
West Midlands Police say: We will NOT apologise
Chief Constable misses the point & shows contempt for LGBTs
Birmingham Pride: West Midlands Police refuse apology
Request for apology made six weeks ago. Still no apology
West Midlands Police urged to apologise for past homophobia
Appeal to Chief Constable ahead of Birmingham Pride 27 May
The most violent & homophobic election in British history
The Bermondsey by-election was 40 years ago this Friday
Protest at celebrity-studded Dorchester hotel fashion event
Hotel owned by Brunei which has death penalty for LGBTs
40th anniversary of notorious Bermondsey by-election
The most dirty, violent & homophobic election in Britain
LGBT+ protest at Church of England Synod today
Call for Anglicans to allow same-sex marriage
Church apologises to LGBTs & then discriminates
Bans same-sex marriage but offers LGBTs blessings, like for pets