Condemned for backing anti-heterosexual discrimination
Peter Tatchell Foundation
Straight couples refused equality
Ban on hetero civil partnerships to remain
Nigeria pushes “Jail the Gays” bill
House of Representatives approves draconian law
Should hate speech be a crime?
Debate: Joyce Arthur v Peter Tatchell
UK government is failing gay men on HIV
3,000+ new diagnoses, no big anti-HIV campaigns
Justice for Palestine and Israel
Both sides must stop killing civilians & respect human rights
Lobby Equalities Minister for full equality
Help us secure equal civil marriage & civil partnership for all
The global struggle for queer freedom
Despite repression, LGBT people are making progress worldwide
1980s: A decade of state-sanctioned homophobia
Open season on queers by state, church, tabloids & police
Tatchell arrested at State Visit of Indonesian President
West Papuan flag unfurled – arrested for breach of the peace