Threat to free speech, Worse homophobia provoked no outcry
human rights
Moscow Pride: Police collude with neo-Nazis
Mayor Sobyanin favoured anti-gays with protest permit
Moscow gays to defy police and neo-Nazi threats
Gay Pride marchers risk arrest and violent attack
MUST WATCH VIDEO: Iran’s courageous students
Sign the petition, join the Global Day of Action
Moscow Mayor bans Gay Pride Parade, again
Ban defies European Court ruling that the parade should be allowed
Obama says Bradley Manning is guilty, before he has been convicted
President prejudices the likelihood that Manning will receive a fair trial
Bahrain’s dictator Crown Prince feted by David Cameron
Downing Street’s welcome insults the victims of Bahraini repression
IDAHO 2011 – The Commonwealth colludes with homophobia
Shame! 46 of 54 Commonwealth countries outlaw homosexuality
Eurovision 2012 – Serious human rights abuses in Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan to host next year’s Eurovision song contest
Bahrain – Sanctions now against King Al Khalifa’s tyranny
Halt crimes against humanity, protect civilians