One to six month exclusion is maximum needed to protect blood
‘Gay Gandhi’ book banned in India
But Gandhi’s great grandson opposes censorship
Football Association must do more against homophobia
Call for renewed FA action to make football gay-friendly
Gay marriage delay “unnecessary and disappointing”
Consultation not needed, public support marriage equality now
Postpone East London Gay Pride
Call for Muslims and LGBTs to unite against hate
Equal Love case filed to European Court of Human Rights
Eight couples – four gay and four straight – submit a joint legal appeal
Ibis hotel hosts ‘gays must die’ hate preachers
Islamist extremists urge ‘death penalty’ for lesbian and gay people
UN vote against sexual orientation protection is “shameful”
Comfort to homophobes, green light to homophobic murder
Gay Russians win in European Court
Moscow mayor declared to have acted illegally
World’s biggest Pope protest
20,000 march in London against Papal intolerance