First anniversary of Equal Love appeal to European Court
Archbishop Sentamu is “intolerant and out of touch”
Churches have no right to block civil marriages for LGBT people
Future sex: Beyond gay and straight
Less homophobia, more homosexuality
Tatchell urges: Reinstate Adrian Smith. Offers to testify in his defence
Christian housing manager doesn’t deserve demotion and £14,000 pay cut
Financial Times – Profile of Peter Tatchell
Huge thanks to my supporters and to fellow campaigners
Lib Dem Equality Minister opposes equality
Featherstone backs discrimination against heterosexuals & pro-gay religions
Local churches should defy Anglican leaders over gay ban
Total ban on civil partnerships is “autocratic and homophobic”
Nigerian Senate votes for draconian anti-gay law
Sweeping criminalisation contravenes Article 42 of the Nigerian constitution
Kiss-in against Nigeria’s bid to criminalise same-sex marriage – Tues 15 Nov
Proposed law violates Nigeria’s Constitution and African Charter
Needless restrictions remain on gay blood donors
Blanket 12 month gay blood ban is unjustified