Donate Today

“The Peter Tatchell Foundation takes on often difficult, neglected issues. It meets unmet needs. Please help us carry on our work.”

Peter Tatchell, Director of the PTF

The Peter Tatchell Foundation depends entirely on individual donations. We do not receive any statutory funding. Whatever you can give is greatly appreciated. No donation is too small for us. 

Other donation methods

Internet and telephone banking

Bank details

Peter Tatchell Foundation

BankThe Co-operative
Account No: 65534265
Sort code: 08-92-99
Reference: your email address

Please email Cal Barnett: if you are making a donation by direct bank transfer, stating your full name, the date and the value of your donation. This is so we can confirm receipt and send you a “thank you” note. Appreciation x


Standing Order 

Please download the standing order form here. Please post it back to us after completing it: Peter Tatchell Foundation, Signpost House, Ambassador Way,Dereham, Norfolk, NR20 3TL



If you are sending cheques please make them payable to “Peter Tatchell Foundation” and please send to Peter Tatchell Foundation, Signpost House, Dereham,  Norfolk, NR20 3TL



A gift in your will is a way of showing that you cherish human rights.
More info about leaving a legacy:


Rainbow Lottery

Now you can support us by playing the lottery. Get your tickets, and give our fundraising a boost!
Play the Rainbow Lottery here:

Need more info? 

If you require any more information please contact 0203 397 2190 or email:[email protected]

Registered charity 1178107


Donating to the Peter Tatchell Foundation does not constitute membership of the PTF, as we are a non-membership organisation. Your generous donation will be directly invested in supporting our vital human rights work. Thank you for your support!