Sir Mark Rowley sends apology to Peter Tatchell
Call for police apology to LGBTs backed by Paul O’Grady
Apologise Now campaign launch: House of Lords 7 June 12pm
West Midlands Police say: We will NOT apologise
Chief Constable misses the point & shows contempt for LGBTs
Birmingham Pride: West Midlands Police refuse apology
Request for apology made six weeks ago. Still no apology
West Midlands Police urged to apologise for past homophobia
Appeal to Chief Constable ahead of Birmingham Pride 27 May
Ban West Midlands police from Birmingham Pride
Chief Constable refuses to apologise for homophobia
Dennis Nilsen 1978-83: police failings led to 15 youths murdered
Same police errors repeated 2014-15 in Stephen Port investigation
Met Police claim they’re not homophobic, but they are
Here’s how to remedy that & reset relations with LGBT+ community
Stephen Port inquest verdict: Police were homophobic
Officers were incompetent, negligent, unprofessional & prejudiced