Latecomer to campaign, Ben Summerskill smears Lib Dems
Same-sex marriage law is not full equality
Six aspects of discrimination are enshrined in legislation
Rally for Lord’s vote on equal marriage
Monday 15 July from 3pm outside the House of Lords
Rally for marriage equality Monday 3 June
As the House of Lords votes on the Bill
Same-sex marriage Bill: worst homophobia for years
MPs and faith leaders have incited prejudice & given comfort to bigots
Gay marriage bill is not full equality
Some homophobic discrimination will remain
Straight civil partnerships defeated
Deplorable government scare tactics & veiled threats
MPs should vote for heterosexual civil partnerships
Dutch prove civil partnerships are popular with heterosexuals
Equalities Minister opposes equality for straight couples
Minister defies public consultation, which backed straight equality
Lobby the Lords for marriage equality
Vote uncertain. Don’t assume victory. Email today