UK has made great progress but more needs to be done
LGBT Rights
Future sexuality: The end of LGBTI?
Does LGBTI Pride have a future? Is gay identity just a phase?
Ballroom dance contests to ban same-sex couples?
British Dance Council proposal may be illegal discrimination
Ban on equal civil partnerships is betrayal
Support heterosexual equality! Equal rights for all
Cameron rejects straight civil partnerships
Same-sex couples now have legal advantage
Queer retreat from radicalism
The rise of LGBT conservatism, conformism & consumerism
LGBT rights – The work’s not over
We’ve made great gains in the UK but more gains need to won
Conchita Wurst & Peter Tatchell win Berlin Award
Tatchell dedicates his award to “heroic Russian LGBTI activists”
Civil Partnerships: Letter to Helen Grant MP
Response to government consultation on civil partnerships
Save Civil Partnerships. Extend them to straights
April 17 deadline for responses to government consultation