Theresa May promises LGBT+ Action plan by the summer
LGBT Rights
Supreme Court to rule on civil partnerships ban
Fear that the Government may abolish same-sex civil partnerships
Grindr data release of people’s HIV status
Data protection is the new frontier in the battle for human rights
My memories of Britain’s first LGBT Pride in 1972
Out, proud & radical: A pioneering parade with a political message
Protest in front of Queen & PM against homophobia
Commonwealth Day, Westminster Abbey
Please publicise & join our Commonwealth events
Vigils & petition in run up to Commonwealth summit in April
Magnus Hirschfeld 1868-1935: German LGBT pioneer
Gay, Jewish & socialist, he challenged Weimar & Nazi homophobia
Marriage? No thanks. Here’s a better idea
Civil Commitment Pact: An alternative to civil marriages & civil partnerships
Here’s why critics of trans law reform are mistaken
The Gender Recognition Act is flawed & needs revising
Education Department clarifies new sex education rules
Mandatory lessons in all schools will address LGBT+ issues