Bid to crush democratic, Kurdish & pro-LGBT+ opposition
Kuwait is not safe for women & that is why I fled
Laws aid the abuse of women & protect male abusers
BBC Arabic service colludes with homophobia in the Middle East
Anti-LGBT+ views broadcast without criticism or dissent, fuelling prejudice
Netflix film: Hating Peter Tatchell out now
Features Elton John, Ian McKellen, Stephen Fry & George Carey
BBC calls LGBTs “faggots” & “abomination”
Persian service is promoting Iranian regime homophobia
Uganda: Democratic opposition jailed, tortured & murdered
President Museveni crushes critics in bid to steal January election
Mauritius LGBTs defy Covid – Pride goes ahead
Covid-free Mauritius puts on a show
Freedom for West Papua – A ‘slow genocide’
Indonesia’s occupation & repression must end
Gabon votes to decriminalise homosexuality
Decision bucks the homophobic trend in many parts of Africa
The Gulf states are homophobic tyrannies. I know, I live there
A gay man in the Gulf reveals ignorance, prejudice, hypocrisy & abuse