Post-homophobia there may be more gay sex but less gay identity
Iran escalates the persecution of Sunni Muslims
Sunnis arrested & jailed. Dozens on death row at risk of execution
Charlie Hebdo: Declaration against the Religious Right
Support heroes who defend free speech, secularism & victimised Muslims
Happy Birthday Chelsea Manning
Whistleblower & political prisoner – 27 years old today
Bring Shaker Aamer home from Guantanamo now
Open Letter to Prime Minister David Cameron urges his repatriation
London vigil for burned alive Shahzad & Shama
Pakistan: Faith & sexual minorities targeted by Islamist extremists
My gay life in Nigeria – Isolation, danger & fear
Homophobia stirred by politicians, priests, papers & the public
This Saturday: Show your solidarity with Kobane
London rally against ISIS, in support of the heroic Kurdish resistance
Rally condemns Egypt anti-gay witch-hunt
International Day of Action in solidarity with Egyptian LGBTs
Nigeria crackdown on foreign funded NGOs
LGBT & human rights organisations will be affected