Oppose special privileges for religion and people of faith
Author: Peter Tatchell Foundation
Commonwealth summit must address LGBT human rights
Call for CHOGM to support decriminalisation of homosexuality
Blanket 12 month gay blood ban is unjustified
Gay blood ban – 12 month exclusion is unjustified
Tatchell gets Muslim hostility & support at anti-EDL demo
Order to remove gay placard at anti-EDL demo
Protest against the EDL. Defend the Muslim community
Anti-fascists must challenge the Islamist right to undermine the EDL
Bid to put LGBT rights on Commonwealth agenda
British Foreign Secretary urged to lobby host government, Australia
World’s first pro-gay reggae album
Jamaican singer bids to challenge homophobia
East London LGBT Pride – An Open Letter to Pride London
Challenge homophobia. Show that East London is not a gay-free zone
Pakistan’s neo-colonial rule in Balochistan
Military, economic and cultural oppression escalate
World Pride 2012 theme: Decriminalise homosexuality
An opportunity to highlight global homophobic oppression